Thursday, September 22, 2011

Density Unit Day 9: wrap-up

Periods 1 and 2  I experimented with the order and by P3, I came up with the following:

First I had the kids draw a diagram of how you find the density of a liquid.  I got a bunch of different answers, but mostly got a comic strip style, step by step diagram of what you do (mind the volume, find the mass etc.).

Then I told the kids to find the density of water.  I had 3 different size graduated cylinders on the desk (1/3 had a 25ml, 1/3 had a 100ml and 1/3 had a 500ml).  The students struggled a bit, but for the most part the, once their mistakes were pointed out, they got on track.  very rarly did the students not know what to do.  I checked their answers, and had them type it in the computer under their group.  The purpose of this was to:

  1. Assess the process skills on how to find the density of a liquid
  2. show them that the density of water is 1g/ml
  3. show them that the amount of liquid does not change.
We looked at the numbers, had a discussion about size and density, and I tied it back to the Cartesian diver answering the question "How dense are the water particles?".  I also told them to look at the data tables and try to guess which liquid was water.  

I then posted a table with a bunch of  liquids and their know densities,  and told them to use their notes to try to determine whet the other liquids were.  I took answers verbally in the Claim/Evidence format (i.e. Claim: the green one is corn syrup.  Evidence: it has a density of 1.32 and it smelled sweet.) Link to table:

Then I attempted to layer all 6 liquids as they described them (with some success...see below).
tube of

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